Welcome to The Vancouver Hand Clinic
We specialize in rehabilitation of the hand and upper extremity
#206-3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC, V6H 3K2, in the Hycroft Medical Building
From finger tip to shoulder, we are here to help.
We are a hand therapy clinic in Vancouver, BC, focused on delivering high quality, evidence-based rehabilitation of the hand and upper extremity. Our collaborative team of physiotherapists and occupational therapists have specialized education and experience in rehabilitation of the hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder. We are “Certified Hand Therapists” (CHT).
We treat a wide variety of hand & arm injuries, from arthritis to complex post-op rehab after trauma. We have strong networks with the local hand surgeons, rheumatologists, physicians and other physiotherapists.
Our Services
Certified Hand Therapy
Certified hand therapists (CHTs) are both physiotherapists and occupational therapists who specialize in the management of conditions effecting the upper limb, which includes the hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder. CHTs have completed post graduate training and must maintain certification with ongoing education. We treat a wide range of injuries from repetitive strains, sprains, stiffness, nerve injuries and fractures. We also fabricate custom thermoplastic splints.
A Detailed Assessment
Our hand therapists have specialized training in the assessment of pain and injury to the hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder. At your first visit, we work one-on-one with you to identify the source of the pain as well as any underlying cause(s) and help you to understand your injury and then guide you through an active recovery. We are often the first to recognize issues that may need further diagnostic investigations or referrals to specialists.
Exercise Prescription
Based on the assessment findings, our hand therapists create individualized exercise plans to build your strength and range of motion. Our aim is to be efficient and target exercises to your specific goals. We try to keep it simple - often small changes in positioning and posture make a big difference.
Manual Therapy
All of our therapists have the skills to provide manual therapy. This may include muscle release/massage, passive stretching and joint mobilizations. The goals are typically to gain range of motion and/or help decrease pain in joints and muscles. We also try to teach clients how to do these techniques on their own.
Custom Thermoplastic Splints
All of our hand therapists make custom rigid thermoplastic splints for the finger, hand, wrist and elbow. Typically you take them home the same day. Splints have many purposes, including to support and protect painful joints, tendons or ligaments, to stabilize hypermobile joints, to allow healing post-trauma or surgery, or even to gain range of motion and stretch tissues. They are removable, washable, adjustable and lightweight. Splints are also a superior alternative to an off-the-shelf brace when you need something specialized, comfortable and durable.
Virtual Appointment Option
If you aren’t able to attend an appointment in person for any reason, don’t wait! We can help you over video. This is a great option to get started or to continue your hand therapy when you’re out of town or too busy to attend in-person. A surprising number of hand and arm issues can be assessed and treated over video. Call us to discuss or book this option.
Booking is easy and online
We use the Jane app for online bookings. It’s convenient and easy to use. Click here to book an appointment.
Hand therapists are either Physiotherapists or Occupational Therapists, and we all treat fairly similarly including the education, exercise and splinting components. The deciding factor may be your insurance, so you may want to check if you have coverage for both or one of these practitioners.
After we make you a custom thermoplastic splint we will provide you with a receipt. Custom splints typically fall under the categories of “medical device” or “splints and braces" in medical insurance plans. You will have to check your specific plan to see if you have this coverage.
No you don’t need a referral to see a hand therapist. If you need a note for your insurance for a splint, we can provide one.
Yes, there are pay parking spots in the underground parking lot in the Hycroft building. There is also 1-hour and pay parking on Granville street.
Currently we do not accept Worksafe or ICBC clients.
An Initial Assessment is $150 (45 minutes) and a Subsequent Appointment is $100 (30 minutes). A custom splint ranges between $180-$230 depending on the complexity of the splint and the time to fabricate .